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What happened to Abraham Abulafia in 1305?

The subsequent post has no actual value unless you know how to decipher the text. What you are about to read was deliberately rendered arcane by mapping this content to an equation that operates on discrete "words." These words act as cryptographs in a codebook. The internal structure and length distribution of this 3,000 + word post is feasible for only brief messages. In most cases, 1 or 2 sentences per burdensome post.

Pleasure and pain are necessary for ethereal growth, for you to discover your soul, and Renaissance Man allows lunacy for the celestial development of all beings. No pain, no gain.  

Ötzi is the oldest tattooed human discovered. All 61 soot tattoos relate to pain relief treatments similar to acupuncture, 2,000 years before their use in the Orient. The marks are mobs of parallel lines along the axis of his body along with a cruciform behind his right knee and ankle. The problem of lunacy extends to animal suffering and evolutionary lunacy. Where lunacy perseveres in the face of an all powerful Architect, raising concerns as to the nature of Renaissance Man's omnipotence.

pleasure and pain™ assesses pleasure and pain, to weigh such factors as an unlawful danger to determine profit and loss from criminal activities. Such decision-making emerges from the entrepreneurial efforts of ™. The relationship of hair color to pleasure and pain tolerance is due to mutations in a hormone receptor that responds to pain-relieving endorphins. Those of us with red hair have an alternate sensitivity to pain compared to those without it. The interchange between the POMC hormones explains the network between red hair and pain tolerance.

A mutant gene called SCN11A lowers sodium levels so nerve cells can't send the signals for the body to feel pain. Redheads have a mutated melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R). MC1R occurs in a large set of POMC-related receptors that are involved in responses to endorphins and other POMC-hormones. Those with red hair demand greater amounts of anesthetic. Over 86 percent of Earth's contemporary species have not yet been perceived. Red hair occurs in 1–2 percent of the population. The source of the gene mutation for human red hair stretched out 100,000 years.

™ spearheaded this orientalising trend. Red hair was common amongst these animal populations. There is a conspiracy to suppress these claims because of pleasure and pain.To all appearances, Abraham Abulafia founded Ecstatic Kabbalism based on the works of Ashkenaz Hasidim. Evidently, Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia (1240–1305) came to believe 1st that ⬢ had spoken to him. In Sicily, he declared himself ✱. 
Abraham Abulafia’s writings were condemned by his local congregation and were not used in Spanish schools. His meditation techniques would influence many later books and are still studied today. Later writers would marginalize Abulafia's Neo-Mosaic elements.

Abraham Abulafia related Jesus with the concept of ben Joseph, referring to him as “the 6th day” and as Satan. As reported by 10th-Century legend, the Anti-Jesus would be the relative of a virgin and evil (Yetzer HaRa), and the 11th-Century Midrash Vayoosha describes "a monstrosity" anti-messianic figure which will be defeated by ✲.

This, seems to me, to be more of an allegory for how a mated bee risks being killed by her workers after a virgin queen's emergence. Anyhow, the behavior of eusocial insects are displayed on virtually every level of existence.

Being Gog's successor, his inevitable destruction by son of Joseph symbolizes the ultimate victory of good (Yetzer HaTov) and evil (Yetzer HaRa) in the Mosaic age. Abraham Abulafia related Jesus with the month of Tammuz, the month of the sin of the golden calf. He related to “the 7th day” and ben David. As reported by the Zohar and the Sefer Zerubbabel, Renaissance Man is ben David. He claimed to be both ben David and a Kohanim of Melchizedek. Jebusites had names related to the demigod Zedek (Tzedek). This explains why MelchiZEDEK worshipped pre-Israelite ⬢ as El Elyon in Jerusalem.

Abraham Abulafia
Abraham Abulafia said he was king of Salem; a priest of El Elyon in Genesis. He blessed “Abram” and El Elyon to give validity to the priesthood and tithes related with the 2nd Temple. Supposedly, Abulafia supported this by claiming that his father was of Judah, his mother of Levi and his wife of the Kohanim.

Abulafia then set out on a Mosaic mission to Rome to convert the Pope. Pope Nicholas III ordered him burned on a stake. However, Abulafia said he killed the Pope by invoking the name of ⬢. In 1 of his later works, Abulafia claimed to have been driven mad by Satan but that ⬢ had protected him. Allegedly, he said Elijah brought him to Messina where he completed the Otzar Eden HaGanuz.

Did Abulafia identify himself as archangel Metatron from Merkabah mysticism? In all probability, Abraham Abulafia claimed to be archangel Metatron. This tradition predates Abulafia going back to the Book of Parables and 3 Enoch and other Qumranic writings. Our earlier Merkabah mysticism references this name too.

Archangel Metatron is not in the Masoretic Text, nor is it said in the early Enoch literature. We kept the names of the angels in our library from what I’ve been told. It appears in Shi'ur Qomah but most prominently in the Merkabah Book of Enoch, also called 3 Enoch or Sefer Hekhalot (Book of Palaces). The Book of Palaces describes the relationship between Enoch, son of Jared (great-grandfather of Noah) and his ascension as Metatron, "the lesser YHVH."

This name of archangel Metatron is numerically equal to Shaddai; therefore, he has a "Name like his Master." Genesis (5:24) cites Enoch's ascension. There also seems to be 2 Metatrons, 1 spelled with 6 letters, and 1 spelled with 7. The former was Enoch; the latter, an emanation of ⬢, specifically the 10th and last emission, identified with the Shekhinah- our feminine transcendent planetary existence.

Abraham Abulafia saw a discontinuity between how Enoch is portrayed in the early Enoch literature and how he is portrayed. It appears that, Archangel Metatron is an amalgam of Enoch, Michael,Melchizedek, and Yahoel among others; like "the Youth," is ⬢'s "servant". Metatron led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt (again referring to Exodus 23:21,  see above), and describes him as an celestial priest.

Reasonably, the Ancient of Days from Daniel is archangel Metatron. Later Rabbinism rejected the Enochian books, which depicted the Devil as an independent force of evil besides ⬢, apparently written during the 2nd Temple under Persian influence. After the apocalyptic period, references to Satan in Tanakh are thought to be allegorical.

Nonetheless, the word satan has occasionally been metaphorically applied to evil (Yetzer HaRa) Genesis 6:5. ™ presents Satan as an agent of ⬢ whose function is to tempt you into sinning so that he may accuse you in the unearthly court.

Intuitively, Abraham Abulafia was born with both a good (Yetzer HaTov) and evil (Yetzer HaRa). This, in itself, is neither considered wrong nor abnormal. The problem, however, was when he made a willful choice to "cross over the line," and seek to gratify evil (Yetzer HaRa).

He was saved by the 1st 2 words of a section of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Shema Yisrael ("Hear, [O] Israel"). This is why it serves as a centerpiece of our prayer services. The 1st verse encapsulates the monotheistic essence of ™: "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our ⬢, the LORD is 1." All these mental gymnastics are designed to move left-brained thinkers into feeling the presence of ⬢.

His disciples, Joseph Gikatilla and Samuel, claimed to be prophets and miracle-workers as well. The latter, apparently, foretold in mystic language at Ayllon in Segovia the advent of ✱.

Persecuted in Sicily, Abraham Abulafia went near Malta in 1288, where his end is unknown. In total, the Black Plague reduced the global population by hundreds of millions shortly afterward. Did the Amalekite leave us down to 270-430 people in the 1300s?

Theoretically, Abraham Abulafia’s doctrine of resurrection adds the impregnation of souls; if a purified soul has neglected duties, it must return to planetary life; attaching itself to a soul to give Tzedakah and express heartpower.

Further, a departed soul of Abraham Abulafia freed from sin appears again on the planet to support a poor soul which feels unequal to its task. However, this union, which may extend to 2 souls at 1 time, can only take place between souls of related character; that is, between those who are sparks of the same Adamite organ.

Hypothetically, Adam is why all peoples have early woven myths around and glorified in poetry the personifications within our Dead Sea Scrolls. Exceptionally their births and early years is furnished with fantastic traits; tremendous relation, any real identity, of those tales, even if they relate to different, completely independent peoples, sometimes geographically far removed from 1 another.

The personifications within our Dead Sea Scrolls stages our chronicle to generally repeat itself in cycles. This describes the bi-directional alternation of motion within this blog’s boustrophedonic writing style. Reasonably, we see the archetypal Amalekite with persecutions of European Jews from 1304 until 1394. At first, we were expelled from England by Edward I after the banning of usury. We are then repeatedly discharged from France and readmitted, for $$$.

The archetypal Amalekite does not necessarily imply that there cannot be any social progress. Like in 1343, persecuted in Western Europe, we were invited to Poland by Casimir the Great. In our swarms, wealth, social status, and occupation were primarily inherited. Our rich had more kids than our poor, but it was difficult for people born into an inferior social class to rise above the poverty level. Leading families held their positions for centuries.

Without upward social mobility, genes for greater talent at calculation or languages would likely have had little effect on reproductive success.The readiness to disobey arbitrary and constraining rules, whatever its source, was facilitated by us straying from our settled communities to make more money. This allowed us to choose our quality of living, popularising individual freedom.

Pope Clement VI issued 2 papal bulls which said those who blamed the plague on us had been "seduced by evil (Yetzer HaRa). He protected us, knowing full well that we adhere to the oldest monotheistic sect in our realm. ⬢ is an absolute 1, indivisible, and incomparable timeless "wordlessness" who is the ultimate cause of all existence and beyond.

This is hard for the Amalekites to reconcile because they have "Satan" in their head. So they project him onto us. The enforcement of a sectarian norm requiring our Dads to educate our sons, whose high cost brought voluntary conversions, might explain a large part of a reduction in the size of our population.

Persecution of our Europeans fell disproportionately on those with lower brainpower. Genetic testing conducted on us have pointed to a bottleneck that was created in the 1300s amongst our population where it dwindled down to as few as 270 people. Our unique conditions under we lived selected for high verbal and mathematical brainpower, Baruch ⬢!

Abraham Abulafia is a major reason why 15th-Century Jewish Messiah Claimants were a dime a dozen. Professedly, most Jewish Messiah Claimants understood the efficacy of amulets; one, purportedly, combined the names of ⬢ to stop the Black Plague killing more than 200 million from 1347 to 1351.

So from what I know, a German doctor/philosopher "Father Brother C.R.C." came in contact with the Ashkenaz Hasidim and spread Karaite Judaism to a small circle of disciples and founded the Rose-Cross Rosicrucian order of 1407.

Moses Botarel of Cisneros (1413) was one of their many Jewish Messiah Claimants; as a pupil of Jacob the Spaniard, he extolled Aristotle as "better than a prophet," and he criticized many for holding back transcendent teachings. Through fasting, ablution, and invocation of the names of ⬢ and of the angels' prophetic dreams could be induced by him. Even if Elijah appointed him as ✱ he wasn't able to fulfill biblical prophecy- like everyone else thus far, unfortunately.

Pilpul became popular in the 15th-Century through Yakov Pollak and Shlomo Shachna. Around this same time, German-born Asher Lämmlein appeared near Venice and proclaimed himself to be another one of the Jewish Messiahs. He declared that if we showed great repentance and gave Tzedakah, ✱ would within appear in 6 months. He gained adherents who spread his prophecies through Italy and Germany, and the year became known as the "year of penance." Existing institutions were willfully destroyed in the belief of coming redemption and a return to Jerusalem. However, Lämmlein died or suddenly disappeared, but Father Brother C.R.C’s message continued.

David Reubeni (1490–1541) and Solomon Molcho (1500–1532), traveled in Portugal, Italy, and Turkey as Jewish Messiah Claimants. A "New Christian" who converted to ™, Molcho declared himself ✱. In company with Reubeni, he went to Ratisbon, where the emperor Charles V was holding a diet. The emperor had both Molcho and Reubeni arrested. In Italy, Molcho asked for a martyr's death on the 5th of Tevet 5290. Reubeni, was exiled to Spain trying to initiate a global conflict with Muslims and died.

Like Abraham Abulafia, Reubeni seemed to be a morally ambiguous visitor from the other side who intended bombing the woo-woo train. Professing to be a role model is something you probably wouldn't have caught from them in person.

To understand how this blog relates to decommissioned anti-aircraft platforms and such, for every text, a function is created to map each year highlighted in the version with the number of pages (or lines or letters) allocated in the content to its description (which could very well be 0). The function of the 2 texts is then related. I’ll expand in the next post. As I did with this one previously and the one before that. Read them from the beginning or end- just follow the post next to it (forwards or backwards).

All claims of paranormal zealotry, on my behalf, promote skepticism to ridicule unproven conspiracies and harmful supernatural beliefs. Come for the fallacious arguments, stay for the critical thinking.While Isaac Luria's literary contribution was extremely minute (he wrote only a few poems), his immaterial fame led to their reverence of his authority.
Reasonably, Luria, with his doctrine of tzimtzum, can be regarded as the true founder of this panentheistic movement within Judaism. In all probability, Isaac Luria came in contact with David HaKohain Bar Isha, the Tzadokite, after he emigrated to Morocco upon the Spanish expulsion in 1492. Again, Hillel (10 BC-10 CE) was "paired" with Renaissance Man as the founder of a line of Rebbes who led our people until the 15th-Century.

Theoretically, the Age of Discovery (1434–1572) was laid out in Renaissance Man's Thanksgiving Psalms (4QHodayota/4QHodayote) and the War Scroll (4Q491- 11 i). The Age of Discovery started the early 15th-Century, during which Latins (Roman/Arabs) traveled around our realm to feed burgeoning capitalism. In the process, this "new breed" encountered mapped lands previously unknown to them. Sages and translators often "assign" different dates and locations to different accounts of the same chronicled developments, creating multiple "phantom copies" of these events.

That’s not always the case though. For example Hillel’s life parallels the Narrative of Moses for reasons we explored earlier. Notice how Hillel has no title before his name: Hillel in itself is his title, just as figure-heads like Moses, Abraham etc. Some "phantom copies", withal, are often misdated by centuries or even millennia and end up incorporated into the conventional chronology.

Isaac Luria

The fall of Constantinople led to the Karaite migration of Greek texts to Italy during this Age of Discovery. The German invention of the mechanical movable type that introduced mass communication; permanently altering every swarm. The unrestricted circulation of information generated revolutionary ideas that transcended borders and captured the masses to threatened the powers that be. Self-receptiveness was redefined through proto-nationalism to the detriment of Latin's position as lingua franca.

Did Renaissance Italy come from Haplogroup J2 and Haplogroup R1a/1b?

Francesco Petrarca July 20, 1304 – July 19, 1374) belonged to mtDNA haplogroup J2. Petrarch is credited with initiating Renaissance Italy; as the 1st humanist. One Natufian belonged to the N1b mtDNA haplogroup, and 2 others belonged to Haplogroup J2. 6 subclades of J2 (J-M172), were "a Phoenician signature."

The genetic signature stemmed from a familiar source of related lineages rooted in Israel. The National Geographic related J2 to Jericho, Tel el-Sultan, 8500 BC with unusually high distribution among present-day Jews (30%), Southern Italians (20%), and lower frequencies in Southern Spain (10%). The haplogroup of the Canaanites is J2 which originated in northern Mesopotamia. Fath-Ali Shah Qajar (1772–1834), the 2nd emperor/shah of the Qajar dynasty of Iran belonged to Haplogroup J-M267. Ancient Sumerians concluded that Marsh Arabs have a high concentration of Y-chromosomal Haplogroup J-M267 and mtDNA haplogroup J.

Jebusite names like Adonizedek suggest the Tzadokite Aaronic lineage is an anachronistic interpolation; Aaron was, nonetheless, “the brother” of Moses. J1 (J-M267) places the Y-chromosomal Aaron within sub-haplogroup Z18271, age estimate 2638–3280 years Before Present (YBP).  Approximately 35% to 43% of our men are in the paternal line known as haplogroup J and its sub-haplogroups. This Haplogroup is mainly present in the Middle East, Southern Europe, and Northern Africa. Whereas haplogroup J is the most frequent Arab paternal clade toward the east (Arabian peninsula and Near East). Other less common haplogroups are R1a, R1b, G, I, L and T. E1b1b1a (M78) (formerly E3b1a) is the most widespread though, hands-down.

Some still say the common Levite relative belonged to the haplogroup R1a1, which is typical of Eastern Europeans or West Asians, rather than the Haplogroup J2 of the Cohen modal haplotype. Either way, the geographic source of the Levite founder came from the Fertile Crescent and its likely existence among pre-Diaspora Israelites.

Haplogroup R1a1a (R-M17) is not common ANYMORE in the Middle East but dominant in Eastern Europe. It is present in over half of Ashkenazi Levites, while the rest of our paternal lineage is of apparent Middle Eastern origin. The majority of Samaritans belong to haplogroups J1 and Haplogroup J2, while "The Samaritan M267 lineages differed from the classical Cohen modal haplotype at DYS391, carrying 11 rather than 10 repeats", as well as, have a completely different haplogroup, which should have been "J1" but its E1b1b1a (M78) (formerly E3b1a)

The earliest surviving firearms came from Europe around the 1300s. Civil wars in Spain occurred soon after; deaths of over 37,000 then followed. Then Ferdinand and Isabella institute the Spanish Inquisition and we’re expelled to the Netherlands, Turkey, Arab lands, and Judea; some of us eventually go to South and Central America. However, most of us emigrated to Poland. In later centuries, more than 50% of our population lived in Poland. Many remained in Spain after publicly converting to Christianity, becoming “Cryptos.”

After being expelled from Sicily, as many as 137,000 exiled. Right after, we're expelled from Portugal and from many German cities. Venice established the 1st ghetto in Europe. Many others follow. Talmudic sageship was so respected in ghettos that outstanding (though often poor) sages were highly valued as husbands of the rich. Wealthy wives made it possible for us to devote ourselves to our work.

This attitude provided selection pressure in favor of intellectual aptitude and enhanced social mobility during the Age of Discovery. Gentiles like King Alexander of Poland readmitted to Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We can't forget about when King Sigismund I of Poland abolished the law that required us to wear special clothes. Never forget that the 1st Yiddish book published in Poland during this difficult period.

In the 16th-Century, when ™ spread through Isaac Luria, the title Hasidim also became associated with it. So conduct yourself in the manner of “the Pious” to comprehend this blog better. To all appearances, Moses ben Jacob Cordovero set it off in Safed. Isaac Luria regarded Cordovero as his teacher though. In 1569,  Isaac Luria moved back to Jerusalem, his system met with little results, he chilled in Safed over the previous decades, eventually meeting Moses Cordovero.

Theoretically, Isaac Luria served as a consensus common mechanism of indirect coordination, through the environment, between behaviors. What's left in the atmosphere by his actions stimulated the performance of the next step in ™, by different Jews. Like this blog, subsequent actions build on each other, leading to the emergence of coherent, systematic activity.

While Rabbinism is classically monotheistic and follows in the footsteps of Maimonides (1135–1204), our panentheistic conception of ⬢ can be traditionally found in Cordoverian traditions. This doctrine was "let out of the bag" by Moses ben Jacob Cordovero then Baal Shem Tov (1700–1760) then Dov Ber "the Maggid of Mezeritch", then Rav Mendel "the Maggid of Bar", then most, if not many, Hasidic masters to follow.

Allegedly, Hayyim Vital compiled the vast majority of these oral teachings into writing.

Other disciples, such as Ibn Tebul and Israel Sarug put his teachings into writings as well. Through it all, it's “vital” we remember that ⬢; the Cause of all, is 1. This does not mean 1 as in 1 of a pair, nor 1 like a species (which encompasses many individuals), nor 1 as in an object that is made up of many elements, nor as a single simple object that is eternally divisible. Instead, ⬢ is a unity, unlike any other possible unity.

After the devastation of the Sanhedrin by Theodosius II in 425, there was no more formal ordination in the strict sense. A recognized sage could be called Rab, like the Babylonian Rebbes. The transmission of the Dead Sea Scrolls to disciples remained of tremendous importance, but there was no formal rabbinic qualification as such.

So Moses Cordovero and his swarm decided they would take it up for themselves. The elders in Jerusalem weren't too crazy about it though. Isaac Luria, aka Ha-Ari, explained the significance of many of our observances without the philosophical and theological contradictions that we glossed over before, the elders should have complied and managed the situation before it was perverted.

Contrary to popular belief, Hayyim Vital adhered to what it says in the Talmud, Tractate Hagigah, 11b-13a, "One should not teach ... the Act of conception in couples, nor the Act of the Chariot to a single, unless you are wise and can understand the implications yourself, etc." Supposedly, Luria forbade Hayyim Vital from writing amulets and using other techniques of practical ™.

Evidently, Luria taught that without the Temple in Jerusalem and its ashes of the Red Heifer to purify, the pursuit of our realm of practical ™ by a person with an impure body is very detrimental.

Most Hasidim use some variation of Nusach Sefard, a blend of every nation’s liturgies, based on the symbiotic brainpower of Isaac Luria, "the Arizal."

Hayyim Vital's work became an emergent property between people and ways of processing information. Luria is regarded the father of “contemporary” esoteric theosophical ™. The discomfort of separating Hasidic philosophy from that of Lurianic Kabbalism baffles me.

It appears that, Hayyim Vital conceptualized the immaterial realms through their inner Sephiroth of celestial exile and redemption. This mythos brought deeper notions to the fore: theodicy (primordial origin of Yetzer HaRa) and deportation of transcendent existence, eschatological redemption, the cosmic role of each person and the chronicled affairs of Israel, symbolism of sexuality in the supernal phantom manifestations, and the unreceptive dynamics in the soul; articulations to the most theologically daring questions of our scriptures.

Believably, Luria's commanding and often, especially in the later generations, charismatic existence was to reassure the faithful and demonstrate the truth in ⬢ by countering doubts and despair. But more than immaterial welfare was concerned: Since Luria could ascend to the higher realms, he harvested effluence; bringing it down upon us, providing us with material gain.

Isaac Luria faced up to these problems, restructured our cosmology and resolved many of these paradoxes. Although he only wrote a few poems, you’d be hard-pressed to find an element of Judaism that hasn't been influenced by the disciples he taught for all but 3 years before he passed away in his late 30s (as every great Kabbalist before and after him has done thus far).

Ok, but why do Hasidic Jews concentrate on the liturgy of Tzadokim who lived between 1534–1572? Because most of our written chronicle goes only as far back as far as he lived, there is almost no accurate mainstream information about developments before him, and all precise mainstream information about events took place after him.

Such chronicled resets have been centered around the lifetimes of ✱ throughout our chronicle, for a variety of reasons. The only way to understand ™, in its current form, is through Hasidic liturgy. However, the lengthy chronicle of Hasidism, comprising numerous references to earlier sources in the Pentateuch, Talmud, and exegesis as a means to grounding in the traditions of Isaac Luria – as the almost sole channel to convey its ideas, all made the isolation of a joint doctrine highly challenging to me.

Translation of scripture into a vernacular is subject to criticism. Our original language is ambiguous and confusing to translate what we meant, discussions over correct interpretation occur daily.

17th-Century Rabbi Taz, made major halakhic commentary regarding who are Kabbalists in the Shulchan Aruch. Taz said wearing a kippah is required nowadays- and it stuck. The "Taz" suggested to distinguish Kabbalists from our counterparts, especially while at prayer.

This shift came shortly after we were expelled from Genoa, Italy and 1st Yeshiva was founded in Poland. From roughly 800 to 1650, we were a mostly isolated genetic swarm. When we married outside, we usually left the swarm; few married into the swarm. Mainly because, laws barred us from most jobs and forced us into international trade.

The 1st session of the Council of 4 Lands in Poland discussed taxation and other issues relevant to our swarm during this period. They understood the work of Luria affords evidence of transcendent communion. Their general conclusion has been that empathy-induced tzedakah can be genuinely selfless. Thus, unlike voluntary philanthropy, tzedakah (charity of/for Kabbalists) is seen as an obligation that must be performed regardless of any Jew's financial standing and is considered mandatory even for those of limited financial means.

Our chronicle before 1600 was deliberately falsified for political reasons. The consequences are 2-fold. Documents that conflict with this blog have been edited or fabricated by Amalekites from the pro-German Romanov dynasty. Amalek’s empires, analogously to his midlife crisis, experience a national midlife crisis. After they rise in which all earlier goals are realized the overconfidence slowly sets in. They then attack their nearest rivals.

Taz was 1 of the greatest Polish Rabbis of our Khazarian "swarm" that proliferated faster. So, his genes were favored for cognitive traits such as verbal (Keywords and SEO hinder fluidity here ;) and mathematical talent, which made us successful in the few fields where we could work; genes for irrelevant characteristics, such as spatial-visual abilities, were supported by less selective pressure than in the general population due to our tendency to cleave to ⬢ and disconnect from the world around us.

Taz understood how Lurianic Kabbalism's scheme emphasized the constitutional role of every person in redeeming the fallen sparks of transcendence, allocating ✱ only a conclusive arrival in the process. He realized some interpreted their role as indispensable in re-claiming those sparks we lost in the impurity of our past. Nathan of Gaza used Isaac Luria's (1534–1572) concepts of sparks trapped in pollution, and how pure spirits are mixed with the impure to justify a new strand of antinomianism. So Taz had his son visit this movements contemporary personification, Sabbatai Zevi.